Food import and export trade co., LTD., co., LTD., guangzhou apartments guangzhou restaurant of the autumn wind sausage and bacon LaWei preparing bulk wholesale * *, direct selling is the emperor emperor group, guangzhou restaurant food group authorized agent sales of products in guangdong province general agent, the company is located in guangzhou, the guangzhou baiyun district of guangzhou avenue north cloudworld business A1 * * layer, professional wholesale direct selling apartments, series products and wholesale distributors, guangzhou restaurant, series products company specializing in operating characteristics of guangdong food and foreign famous characteristic snack food, Main business products are: Huangshang huangchang sausage and sausage flavor, the fall of guangzhou restaurant style sausage and sausage flavor and other characteristics of guangdong food and fruit dried seafood Fried goods dry sea cucumber wild fungus and other products and * * characteristics of sweets, cookies, chocolate, * * * * * * beverages, meat and other products wholesale distribution of private owned enterprises. Our products enjoy high status and good reputation among consumers. The company has established long-term and stable cooperative relations with many manufacturers, retailers and agents. The variety is complete and the price is reasonable. Strength, credit, keep the contract, ensure the quality of products, with a variety of operating characteristics and the principle of small profits, won the trust of customers and praise. Food to swallow food import and export trade co., LTD., co., LTD., guangzhou apartments guangzhou restaurant of the autumn wind sausage and bacon LaWei preparing bulk wholesale * *, direct selling is the emperor emperor group, guangzhou restaurant food group authorized agent sales of products in guangdong province general agent, the company is located in guangzhou, the guangzhou baiyun district of guangzhou avenue cloudworld business A1 * * layer, professional wholesale direct selling apartments, series products and wholesale distributors, guangzhou restaurant, series products company specializing in operating characteristics of guangdong food and foreign famous characteristic snack food, Main business products are: Huangshang huangchang sausage and sausage flavor, the fall of guangzhou restaurant style sausage and sausage flavor and other characteristics of guangdong food and fruit dried seafood Fried goods dry sea cucumber wild fungus and other products and * * characteristics of sweets, cookies, chocolate, * * * * * * beverages, meat and other products wholesale distribution of private owned enterprises. Our products enjoy high status and good reputation among consumers. The company has established long-term and stable cooperative relations with many manufacturers, retailers and agents. The variety is complete and the price is reasonable. Strength, credit, keep the contract, ensure the quality of products, with a variety of operating characteristics and the principle of small profits, won the trust of customers and praise. The major service cities are Shanghai, suzhou, nantong, changzhou, wuxi, hangzhou, taizhou, ningbo, jiaxing, shenzhen, dongguan, guangzhou, foshan, zhongshan, zhuhai, huizhou, shantou, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other pearl river delta cities; The logistics service is divided into more than 2000 kinds of commodities in 7 categories, including youxin electromechanical equipment, logs, chemical raw materials, cosmetics, food, wine and electronics. To provide customers with efficient global integrated business logistics services. The aim is to provide customers with enthusiastic, innovative and professional services, and we firmly believe that "" the business philosophy of the company" "will be as big as" "social responsibility" ", and continue to expand the scope of international logistics diversified business comprehensive planning, and strive to create a quality service platform.食品进出口贸易有限公司,有限公司,有限公司,广州公寓广州酒家的秋风香肠和培根LaWei准备批量批发* *,直销是皇帝帝集团、广州酒家食品集团授权代理销售的产品在广东省总代理,公司位于广州,广州白云区广州大道北云景业务A1 * *层,专业批发直销公寓,系列产品及批发分销商、广州酒楼、系列产品公司专业经营广东特色食品及国外著名特色休闲食品,主要经营产品有:Huangshang huangchang香肠和腊肠风味,广州酒家风格的香肠和腊肠风味和其他特征的广东菜和水果干海鲜炒货物干海参野生真菌和其他产品和* *的特点,糖果,饼干,巧克力,* * * * * *饮料,肉类和其他产品批发分销的私人拥有的企业。我们的产品在消费者中享有很高的地位和良好的声誉。公司与多家厂家、零售商、代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。品种齐全,价格合理。实力雄厚,重信用,守合同,保证产品质量,以多种经营特点和薄利多销的原则,赢得了客户的信赖和好评。食物吞下食物进出口贸易有限公司有限公司有限公司有限公司,广州公寓广州酒家的秋风香肠和培根LaWei准备批量批发* *,直销是皇帝帝集团,广州酒家食品集团授权代理销售的产品在广东省总代理,公司位于广州,广州白云区广州大道云景业务A1 * *层,专业批发直销公寓、系列产品及批发分销商、广州酒楼、系列产品公司专业经营广东特色食品及国外著名特色休闲食品,主要经营产品有:Huangshang huangchang香肠和腊肠风味,广州酒家风格的香肠和腊肠风味和其他特征的广东菜和水果干海鲜炒货物干海参野生真菌和其他产品和* *的特点,糖果,饼干,巧克力,* * * * * *饮料,肉类和其他产品批发分销的私人拥有的企业。我们的产品在消费者中享有很高的地位和良好的声誉。公司与多家厂家、零售商、代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。品种齐全,价格合理。实力雄厚,重信用,守合同,保证产品质量,以多种经营特点和薄利多销的原则,赢得了客户的信赖和好评。主要服务城市有上海、苏州、南通、常州、无锡、杭州、台州、宁波、嘉兴、深圳、东莞、广州、佛山、中山、珠海、惠州、汕头、港澳台等珠三角城市;物流服务分为有新机电设备、原木、化工原料、化妆品、食品、酒类、电子等7大类2000多种商品。为客户提供高效的全球综合商务物流服务。目的是为客户提供热情、创新和专业服务,我们坚信,“公司的经营理念“将一样大”“社会责任”,并继续扩大国际物流多元化业务综合规划的范围,,努力创建一个优质的服务平台。
我们的海运优势航线:澳大利亚、中东、欧洲、美国、非洲、东南亚等,主要与MAERSK、OOCL、COSCO,APL、CHINA SHIPPING、CMA等多家船公司签订长期货运合约
- 为客户提供各种出口业务信息。
- 根据客户需求,可进行国外客户的资信调查。
- 为客户代办出口所需要的进出口许可证、产地证。
- 公司拥有专业的外贸单证经营和加工人员,对外贸单证,信用证,外贸报关材料生产,报关,报关,商业发票,装箱单,验证表,报表要素等进行审查。 外贸检查并审查出口所需的信息。
- 拥有一批高素质和丰富经验的物流专业人才。
- 收费合理,渠道合法,手续简单,安全快捷,欢迎前来咨询
- 我们的操作团队拥有多年丰富的进口报关的经验,能够根据企业的实际情况提供最适当的进口物流方案及专业的进口操作。
- 对于每个客户,公司采用全员跟踪服务,从商务谈判到运营信息反馈,再到后期扩展服务,努力满足每一位与我们合作的客户。
- 中国主要进口地区:湖南,江苏,江西,浙江,福建,上海,大连,南通,宁波,温州,福州,广西,北海贵州,包头,四川;广东东莞深圳广州佛山惠州江门,中山,揭阳,顺德,湛江;
- 主要进口国家和地区有:美国,德国,意大利,英国,法国,瑞士新加坡,日本,韩国,印度,印度尼西亚,越南,巴基斯坦,南美洲智利,香港,台湾;
- 我们公司具有在香港行事的优势。 如果客户在香港没有公司,我们公司可以接受货物,提货,装货,推送,转运,仓储和仓储。 另有香港检验,熏蒸证,原产地证,普惠证等。
- 公司凭借丰富的航运经验,先进的管理水平和优秀的人才结构,为国内外买家,加工企业和生产企业提供国际化,个性化的服务。
- 以深圳、香港、上海为核心、辐射中国境内各个大小城市
- 充分利用整体优势,我们将继续在国内外市场拓展业务。 通过实施大规模经营,多元化职能和国际化战略,逐步建成规模大,实力雄厚,功能齐全,市场竞争优势的综合物流公司。
- 各类海运需求请联系电话:18826441634